Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Perfect Nightmare-Dear Rand Paul, I think things are hopeless here. There are too many risks involved in exposing the dangerous criminals running things because they have made connections in Japan, Canada and other parts of the world. I exposed an agent yesterday for his crimes. This man is Jewish and works with John Saul, Terry brooks (Star Wars), Disney and all the major motion picture studios. He did the movie 'Untraceable' after I was victimized after attending the Maui writers conference. The on line antagonist did the things to me he did to Diane lanes character in the movie. Andy Cohen even used the bottom portion of the movie synopsis I pitched to him in Maui. He was the first and only agent I ever showed my work too. I have seen everything I have created appear in films and books without my permission. Many of the speakers from the maul writers conference he I came to know and went on cruises put a strange looking star at their site that looks like the windows eight star and cia symbol. One of the writers had a custom made desk with the same symbol. I've seen these same symbols in the Rio hotel in Vegas and Branson ms and hotels that feature fire in their theme like the latest concerts, mardi gra masks. I believe after a dark cult nabbed my stories from the Maui writers conference and my home computers and took an interest in me they sent terrorist armies to stalk me, break into my home, steal my files. They have destroy ed the health of both me and my husband. They have attempted murder. They tried to run me down one night in my car after they broke in and bashed my black cat. Before this happened a man calling himself lord ethan on myspace and legion told me through a darth vader post that I beat them and would have to die. Not only have they left impaled dead animals in my home and birds with missing heads outside my door they have terrorist groups send me satanic codes and symbols on line and watch me 24 hours a day. They have bugged my home. They have conducted inhumane experiments on me with new age weapons and invaded my mind with weapons that have made me mentally impaired. When I confronted the man using the name Tarekdowny junior at my facebook page yesterday he said he would destroy my brain and today the pressure is unbearable. In the flash submitted the summer before last I believe I included conversations with these dark people. Mark alcock, scotty mcgaha and other detectives have saved conversations in their files with these people and threats that started years ago. I even gave the police my story info before it appeared in their films because I knew they were going to steal it off my computer in an attempt to prove what they were doing and nothing was done. I started speaking to John Saul at the randomhoues blackstone cyber diner in 1998. The nightmare began after he told me at a networking party in Maui that I had talent. Afterwards the watchers came and told me that anything I created would be theirs and after they were done using me I would be murdered like the rest. They said I am just a name in a filing cabinet. I was approached by a nasa scientist following the conference on 9/11 who asked me to go with him to look at the stars through the giant telescope nasa had rented him to conduct space research. He took several pictures of me while I was in maui. I asked him to send me copies but he didn't. John Saul has photos of himself taken at nasa at the giant telescope. He hangs out with terry brooks and andy cohen and cohen pitched his work to george clooney and became sauls agent. Clooney used my work 'The Godsend' without my consent and became sauls after while I was in maui at the conferences. I went on a cruise with John and his husband Michael Sack and Terry Brooks who is affliated with Star Wars program. He wrote a trilogy. I attended six conferences. The blood thirsty stalkers are into terrorism, mind control and many other crimes. I tried to warn the churches when i suspected they wanted to destroy christians. I visited the fbi office in before 2008 with all the hard drive evidence including conversations with these people and threats. I begged people to investigate this group while clooney was on staff at Warner brothers and his brother worked in the legal department. I asked the FBI if Andy Cohen could be dangerous. The FBI agent I spoke with said they saw cause for alarm after the movie 'Untraceable. This whole dark group went to work for Sony after warner brothers all together and jolie and brad pit did many of their films and I watched this dark empire grow through my creations and the help of many famous people. The terrorism started long ago through the film companies, publishing companies, software companies, game industry. The list is long. I have all of this evidence. I have had this evidence since before 2008 and begged the police to investigate. I have spent over 120,000.00 Trying to protect my work by hiring investigators, paying to have my work cloned professionally. I hired sweepers from LA to sweep my home. They brought a professional crew who had a background with the fbi. I hired security companies. I send hard drive copies to the churches before they went after the Vatican and warned of the conspiracy to go after the christians and destroy the churches and none would investigate. Every time I phoned the FBI I was tortured worse. I don't think this this dark satanic army can be stopped now. They have acquired too many weapons, built too many armies around the world that have experience in computer programming and past criminal records. They have networked for all these years and made me suffer through their Nazi weapons and stalkers while they used my ideas and story creations to help build their empire. They felt they'd keep me around to get more stories and product ideas while they terrorized my mind and put my suffering and words in books and movies. They created game characters and movie characters in my likeness they told me. One person sent me a drawing of me andy cohen put on a double box movie set released at Christmas. He said the character wasn't really bullock but me. I had a very fertile mind before they starting invading it and a vivid imagination. They told me to keep quite. They are setting up phony charities and luring kids to the book festivals and unsuspecting folks to conferences like they did me to steal their dreams and stories. Ron Howard and various others are putting screenwriting contests and movie making contests to find new victims and people this dark cult can use for human experiments. Ron was a speaker at the conference too. Notice the adds they create a persons their heads sawed open and their insides out and some villain jumping rope on their insides, dissecting them and turning them into robots for this evil group. You don't know know the half of it. They put their crimes in movies like hostel2, saw and many other horror films. This isn't just horror fiction to them. It's reality and they are seeking new blood to lure into their game. They play with people through cyber world and reality and seduce teens and put their suffering in books and film them. I knew these crimes would happen in this country and abroad before they happened and i went to the police many times to warn them in advance. I investigated them. It didn't stop them. They are terrorists who worked with Japan and Canada before the latest crimes we've seen happening in this country. They told me a long time ago they want everyone to become uncivilized. They told me they are going to have street beheading and people so blood thirsty they will cheer for the killers. They told me this before so many Muslims were beheaded abroad the violent outbreaks occurred here. They told me while the on line antagonist played with my mind on line and terrorist stalkers followed me and recorded my conversations and played them back to me and told me about my daily routine on line and on my cell phone. One of the guys wears a skull shirt and posts himself dressed up like characters from Stephen king books. I would imagine the dome king describes is the evil veil that is above our heads through technology that i would imagine is being used for mind control through satellite or some other means. It wouldn't surprise me if Warner brothers isn't using cable and other means to damage our brains. When I turn my internet and cable off it seems to weaken their signal. i hoped people would put this story out a long time ago but none ever has. the media is keeping the truth buried and the victims and probably the latest mishaps in medicine. The cases of people being forcibly institutionalized people and murders of so many. Even the crime report statics are inaccurate according to the detectives I've spoken with. None will save people because Americans don't know the truth and this army grows through computer hacking, criminal armies they call knights they have made around the world, new age weapons their crimes have bought and deception of the worst kind. They couldn't have bought so many leaders around the world if someone had investigated this dark group and stopped them when I begged law enforcement agencies in my country to do something. Think of all the lost souls and innocent lives someone could have saved if anyone listened to me or cared to help people. People were bought and silenced and threatened. I have given up trying and believing in this country because the criminals are now running the show and nobody gave a damn to step out of their false reality to see the true evil and open their mind to even question for a minute that famous people could be running things and stealing and killing folks and conspiring with terrorists to build an empire for Satan to make themselves fantasy kings and queens. Many of these horror junkies never went to college or had children. They want to destroy decent folks and execute people for kicks through torture and perform human experiments and sacrifice. The Americans are sending their children to them through their games and books and trusting cyber world and letting their children idolize them and become violent and demented and blood thirsty and brainwashed all for Satan. This cult did movies like Dark Knight. The police have instant message conversations with the on line stalker where I am calling the police the white knights. I said to this group started so many fires none could put them all out. They put that in the dark knight. the police didn't help. The fbi and cia wouldn't investigate. i'd say they have won on a physical plain because nobody saw the true evil. A man named brian willis added me to his group. He strangely appeared. he goes by 666 in Beverly hills. He has a company called brockstar. I later discovered he has been accused or ripping off various film companies abroad for millions of dollars. I am stalked by people who worship skulls and put skulls and vampires at site. I thought andy cohen, john saul and all of these people should have been investigated ages ago. I went to the FBI pleading with them to see who their contacts were in Japan and Canada because I suspected them of terrorism. blind trust and ignorance served them.This cult did movies like Dark Knight, Harry Potter. The police have instant message conversations with the on line stalker with me calling the police the white knights. I said to this group they started so many fires none could put them all out. Money laundering is mentioned in Dark Knights. The Nazis never left. Vatican exorcist says the darkest cult is in Canada. Check out lionsgate and see their dark movies. Devil's Rejects. Sherry L Bretz

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