Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Satan can't see heaven

  • Sherry Lee Bretz "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of Go Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven

  • Sherry Lee I feel bad you have so much to do. Well please rest. Rest your mind. Let your body rest so you can enjoy each day and stay motivated . It takes energy to be motivated. I hope you stay inspired. sweet dreams xxx You need to make new friends to help with your work
  • Sherry Lee Good evenng Lyudmila! I hope you had a nice day

  • Sherry Lee I usually stay up according to whatever the terrorists are doing. If there isn't an energy static sound in the night and I'm not burning I can rest. If my head isn't struggling in a vice grip I can lower my guard. I have to be like a vigilant creature in the wild in order to survive because I never know what their attack method will be. They like me on line. It gives them a way to steal more ideas, infiltrate my mind, easily aim, monitor my behavior and send cyber stalkers to harass me with emails, videos and bogus news stories. Anything to erode the mind. These people keep me on edge. they don't want me to know peace. haven't been able to rest without wondering what they'll do next for years. It's their method of torture. They are beyond sick. Appreciate your relaxation. Sleep beautifully xxx (Hugs)

  • Sherry Lee You're a dear. Excellent advice. The alarm company called in the night. I awakened this morning to a false alarm. They try to make me think the watchers control my every move. They try to make me feel beneath their control. I keep getting invitations to movie events from Mafia people that post skulls at their site. I just tell them they have no claim on me or right to anything I have. They try harder. The day before yesterday some creepy looking man highlighted a photo I have with the caption 'I hate gang stalkers'. Every time I feel like I'm in charge they make certain to accost me again or have strange callers phone me or burn my spine and assault my kidneys when I try to sleep or put me to sleep with their mind weapons. They have the creepiest meanest looking people send me photos of themselves and satanic symbols. i don't know where so many nuts come from in the universe. It seems like worshiping the anti christ and being mean to others just makes these people look nasty and dirty from the inside out. Some of the time they harass through pages written in a foreign language and tell me they have me trapped in their suspended animation and I must embrace allah. A lot of people have been claiming to be muslim lately. they have symbols that seem the same as this cult. They will never control me. You've seen my blog and things I"ve posted. They will never steal future stories or contain my spirit. I have put the story out. I put the story out a long time ago. I will never be them thank God. They only harass because they are paid to do it. My forensic detective said many of these people are linked to the film industry and game industry that does animation for the film companies. I"ve noticed some of the pixie cult went to school at the Pittsburgh Scholol of Art and went to school for computer programming. Sometimes the ones that follow me where jackets with hood or t'shirts with movie advertisments like 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. These criminals are all linked and working for the higher ups to steal and kill through new age weapons while keeping their cult a secret. It's very high up. Americans are in the dark because the media prevents the truth from getting out. If you look at who controls you there isn't chance to rise above the thugs because they own the empire. I hated darth vader. They worship him.
  • Sherry Lee Thanks for being so caring. Your expert advice is appreciated. I've been down this road for so many years. I try to walk but something always falls apart. They have damaged my body to where walking is excruciatingly painful. I do it anyway. I've had to have my groceries delivered the past month because if I can hold things together the minute I push a cart with heavy groceries by back flares up and my legs locks because they've damaged a nerve or they follow me and assault me with their mind weapons. I stayed in this country and exposed their crimes knowing this is the shape they would put me in. They baked me everyday and destroyed my spine and my mind but I refused to leave. My tests results prove all of this is happening. i didn't make my bed but I refused to leave. I was willing to die for other reasons. They love to assault you because they feel they have the power. They try to find ways to make you stay and endure their torture. They are into mind control. I endured it but I have grown spiritually. For that closeness to God I wouldn't trade anything in the world for. It is worth any sacrifice. When we do things for God or for others it comes back to us in bigger ways and he gives us enlightenment and faith. My visions have been better since this started and my strength has increased. They tried to block my receptors and connections to the spirit world and they never did. God speaks to me any time I want. I can be out of my home and he will speak to me directly where their technology isn't. There is such a strong channel of communication between the two of us. If God isn't speaking to my heart and mind I speak to nature. It always has a message to give. They can destroy every part of my body but is always there. God will never forsake me. All in all the journey has been worthwhile and beautiful. God provides for us. When the body grows weary and weak God keeps our soul safe and our visions beautiful elsewhere. They will never possess me. They Are Broken
  • Sherry Lee People have this strange notion that things are going to get better. Not here. I am glad things are better in other parts of the world and you are inspired and feeling fulfilled by your work. It's good to know things are being done to protect the church and to honor Christ and protect the innocents and build a better life for many. That gives me beautiful dreams. My heart is enlightened by the beautiful things that are being done to keep humanity going in a positive direction. It's important that we learn from the past. It's inspiring to know wise people can learn from histories mistakes and understand the anti christ and the power of evil. Prayer is the most powerful weapon. When people can see the misery and suffering and senseless crimes being committed and stupidity in the demonically possessed they will appreciate their Godliness and greatness in trusting him and choosing the right path that is rewarding them. They can feel human dignity and be happy they are connected to Christ through their thoughts and deeds and desire to build a better world for others. When they educate others about God and help people to increase their faith and believe in him they are building a stronger world and creating future soldiers of faith that can put on their armor and combat evil for years to come. It's great to know God is working through his chosen ones to keep all of his creation protected and loved. Love is the greatest element and charity, hope, strength and faith keep us enduring hardship generation after generation to keep the world balanced and secure. The environment is contaminated like the soul of man as the beast rises and animals are suffering everywhere. Even mother nature is thrown off balance. The change in weather is showing us that God is very much in control. I offer any suffering up to God. He keeps me smiling and fulfilled knowing his promise is something I can rely on when the world falls apart and people lose their way and their sanity driven to the flame. Evil begets evil. I'm glad things are improving in some parts of the world. God rewards the faithful
  • Sherry Lee I hope you are feeling invigorated and enjoying a productive day. You always bring me enlightenment and great happiness. Thanks for listening and always caring and understanding the real situation that most people can't grasp. I appreciate your insight. I have noticed God gives his followers supreme intelligence to serve
  • Sherry Lee That man who posts at my page under the name Tarek Downy junior said christ is dead. Another person posts simular things at myspace named Lord Ethan Dominion and pictures of himself in a black rob, illuminati symbols. He said christ was going to be murdered by spear. They both think satanists have outsmarted christ are defeated by their minds. They are warped. The devil can manipulate and buy the world but not souls. The bible says the devil is a liar. He is gaining power through fantasy and illusion. I put all of this in my stories in the past they lifted. The way to change society and mislead people is through lies, materialism, technology and illusion. They are trying to create an illusionary world. They want others to believe that fantasy is real so they accept Satan. These people believe their evil and wisdom can rule the world because it is superior to Christ. These people were described in the bible. Christ always wins. He created them
  • Sherry Lee The bible says Christ tests us. He is testing these evil people. It says christ tests us all
  • Sherry Lee I don't believe Christ is testing me. I believe he is allowing suffering to make me see him more clearly. He shows himself in many ways. He is impossible to defeat
  • Sherry Lee Lionsgate is very bad about putting these films out. You can't contain evil. You can only refuse to give it power through serving or spreading it's nonsense. Satan only grows powerful through man. Man destroys man. It doesn't hurt God. Satanists think the material world can hurt God.They are weak physically and deal in flesh. Their minds cannot see the power of God. They can delve into ghosts. They conduct experiments. They crave energy. They can't touch the soul. They try hard. The greatest way satan feels to possess gods children today and control is through the mind He thinks by inhabiting the mind he makes the body comply and deceive the christian into believing there is no god or turning their thoughts from him. God sees all. God knows all. He knows where the soul is and it is protected and he will reclaim it when he is ready. He knows the victims. He knows we are born into a world of ignorance and sin. God knows all because he created everything and gave man a free will to chose. Satan rebelled and thinks he found a way to possess man. he has always been scheming. He hasn't invented a way to overpower man he has only figured a way to make man rebel and seek him and follow his path. That was written in the bible. The latest movies that are being done through this evil cult are created to lure people away from christ and invade the mind. Satan wants to desensitize society. All their crimes have done is make man weak. They mistake science for power when all this modern world has done is make man weak. Having no conscience only leads man to commit crimes against himself and hurt his neighbor and suffer in sin. Do the people that are doing this look happy? The majority are mad or drugged. They have lost themselves and sold their soul and don't know the meaning of their pain. They can't understand the reason they are so terrified, angry, driven, frightened. Hatred spreads. They can't find peace. I have been in the light and there is enlightenment. Once you have seen the light you can never see the world again. It's all there. Satan will never touch us
  • Sherry Lee They get into our mind but they can't inhabit my spiritual world. They'll never get into our soul. I wrote about satan and my visions. They used the stories. They are trying to deceive man through alien stories and rewriting history. in one of my stories the satanists tried to destroy the bible. They used that idea in 'The Book Of Eil'. My visions come from some place much higher than here. Simon Marsden said I could cross over. All people can do is use them for entertainment. If you have a message to give or knowledge to share they make it cheap. This has shown me mans frailty and the nature of the beast manifesting itself in the body of man. I have learned to keep quite. They'll never use me. Man doesn't win. I'll wait and see these things in the afterlife
    22 minutes ago · Edited · Like
  • Sherry Lee They don't need to see these visions. God forbids them

by Sherry Bretz (c)copyright 2014

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