I need to ask Rand Paul to make it public that the FBI will no longer handle cyber crimes in the United States. Are we supposed to catch terrorists ourselves? According to my forensic detective, Mark Alcock, people that are victims of cyber crime are out in the cold. He said he can't help his clients and his good friends in the FBI are all getting out and moving to Idahao because they told him the sytem has gotten too corrupt for them. This doesn't give me any confidence in the system. When I went to the police in Las Vegas to file a report they told me cyber crimes aren't a matter for the police but instead the FBI. I hope would love for Rand to make this public and show how screwed up things are and how honest decent Americans are going upstream without a paddle and the predators run the show. My apple computer says these people have signed on through my computer in the past two months. One of these people is less than five miles form my house. I am stalked, tortured with some new form of military type weapons and my computer have been repeatedly hacked. My lifes work was stolen that appears in films and books and I am monitored in my home, terrorized and told by some dark group that they are building movie characters in my likeness off my suffering and I am just a case in a filing cabinet and when they are done using me I will be illuimanted like the rest. My work has appeared in movies done by Eli Roth, Tarrantino and Clooney, soderbergh, the splat pack. I see the theiving group posting tinkerbell and fairy symbols. They call themselves the pixie and fairy army at the stephen king site. None will stop the terrorist assasins in this country and movie theives with military type weapons and protect innocent people from destruction. all the outlets are blocked and we are closed in some kind of labyrinth like the devils hellish playground for the thrill of this cult. They toy with us like mice and portray themselves as cats in photos. My guess is they are conducting human experiments through these weapons and Hollywood movies that consist of codes and satanic symbols. They are doing terrible things to my mind while they tell me on line they are giving me a lobotomy. Time is of the essence. I discovered these ip addresses had signed on through my computer according to able and bling maps in the past two months. I have not left my state so it's kind of strange. If people would only their eyes they would see the horns and satanic symbols appearing in art, new buildings, movie games and movies and through the media. I am sick of seeing star wars and Darth vader on the news and being contacted by strange terrorists on line that call themselves dark vader and post strange satanic symbols. Often i am followed by people with hand held device that do something to my brian in public that cause dizziness, pain, blurred vision and make it impossible to drive. They are destroying peoples minds in this country and you can file police reports and go to the FBI. All the police have to say is 'Wow, It's beyond our jurisdiction'! The Fbi say, go to the police. It's like going to the dentist for a toothache and being told to go to a heart surgeon. Nowadays when you go to the er you automatically sign a form that gives the hospital the power to hold you against your will and institutionalize you and have mental experts evaluate you. I was told by a hospital nurse that four people in less than two hours were mentally evaluated at the immedicate care center where she works one evening. The crimes that are happening against the American people are being kept out of the media. This needs to be put in the spotlight. The FBI and police cannot stop acts of terrorism in the computer according to what I am told. I have reported terrorists in my computer for over five years and stalkers and they say they won't help me! The nazi and satans gestapo are commiting hanus crimes against the American people with untraceable weapons and they don't need concentration camps anymore to conduct human experiments, probe the anatomy, enslave through untraceable weapons, drive people made and torture and murder people for sick satanic keeps and offerings to the anti christ. This is all happening.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
People have had modern ideas instilled in them through master manipulators and psychopaths that run the world. Many people think it's okay to destroy the world if it makes them money. They think it's ok to kill their neighbor if it gets them ahead or deceive countless if it leads to tragedy and gets them ahead. Hollywood has spread this way of thinking in all corners of the earth and the sickness grows and man deteriorates and children and animals suffer and even the environment is dying from selfish greed and corruption. If man thinks he has evolved and technology and science hold the key to the future he never saw the past or understood Gods design or saw the true beauty that was ancient and powerful. That beauty is priceless and eternal. Man sin will lead to his demise. Gods universe will continue because it was created by God. Man only gets a few chances
Everyone's brains are hard wired to Hollywood like the computer. This is all being done for mind control, demonic possession, human experimentation, mass global mood control, product sales, wealth, to desensitize, degrade, destroy the conscience and mans higher connection, create an fantasy world, create conflict and confusion, shatter a persons identity, spread violence, entice people to evil and sin, lure people to the dark side, make man embrace the beast through technology and science and think he is bigger and wiser than God, keep people monitored, studied and dissected like lab rats, Know the whereabouts of everyone and watch their behavior from a distant place to mold society the way they want. All for than anti christ. Satan has built his empire. We let him into our souls. Mind control technology is being placed in all the shopping malls and fast food restaurants around the world. Raunchy music videos filled with satanism and sex are being played twenty four hours a day to program the population and lead people to send. Corporate predators are creating products to spread evil and using beautiful products to sell these products for Satan. Phony charities are being set up to take your money everywhere you turn. They are asking for hand outs even at fast food restaurants and stores. The devil needs money to build his empire and people are happy to feed the beast without question of where the money really goes and what sin does to the immortal soul. This ride goes into the abyss. People are dolls and commercial products
sherry bretz
sherry bretz
Satan can't see heaven
- Sherry Lee Bretz "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of Go Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven
- Sherry Lee I feel bad you have so much to do. Well please rest. Rest your mind. Let your body rest so you can enjoy each day and stay motivated . It takes energy to be motivated. I hope you stay inspired. sweet dreams xxx You need to make new friends to help with your work
- Sherry Lee Good evenng Lyudmila! I hope you had a nice day
- Sherry Lee I usually stay up according to whatever the terrorists are doing. If there isn't an energy static sound in the night and I'm not burning I can rest. If my head isn't struggling in a vice grip I can lower my guard. I have to be like a vigilant creature in the wild in order to survive because I never know what their attack method will be. They like me on line. It gives them a way to steal more ideas, infiltrate my mind, easily aim, monitor my behavior and send cyber stalkers to harass me with emails, videos and bogus news stories. Anything to erode the mind. These people keep me on edge. they don't want me to know peace. haven't been able to rest without wondering what they'll do next for years. It's their method of torture. They are beyond sick. Appreciate your relaxation. Sleep beautifully xxx (Hugs)
- Sherry Lee You're a dear. Excellent advice. The alarm company called in the night. I awakened this morning to a false alarm. They try to make me think the watchers control my every move. They try to make me feel beneath their control. I keep getting invitations to movie events from Mafia people that post skulls at their site. I just tell them they have no claim on me or right to anything I have. They try harder. The day before yesterday some creepy looking man highlighted a photo I have with the caption 'I hate gang stalkers'. Every time I feel like I'm in charge they make certain to accost me again or have strange callers phone me or burn my spine and assault my kidneys when I try to sleep or put me to sleep with their mind weapons. They have the creepiest meanest looking people send me photos of themselves and satanic symbols. i don't know where so many nuts come from in the universe. It seems like worshiping the anti christ and being mean to others just makes these people look nasty and dirty from the inside out. Some of the time they harass through pages written in a foreign language and tell me they have me trapped in their suspended animation and I must embrace allah. A lot of people have been claiming to be muslim lately. they have symbols that seem the same as this cult. They will never control me. You've seen my blog and things I"ve posted. They will never steal future stories or contain my spirit. I have put the story out. I put the story out a long time ago. I will never be them thank God. They only harass because they are paid to do it. My forensic detective said many of these people are linked to the film industry and game industry that does animation for the film companies. I"ve noticed some of the pixie cult went to school at the Pittsburgh Scholol of Art and went to school for computer programming. Sometimes the ones that follow me where jackets with hood or t'shirts with movie advertisments like 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. These criminals are all linked and working for the higher ups to steal and kill through new age weapons while keeping their cult a secret. It's very high up. Americans are in the dark because the media prevents the truth from getting out. If you look at who controls you there isn't chance to rise above the thugs because they own the empire. I hated darth vader. They worship him.
- Sherry Lee Thanks for being so caring. Your expert advice is appreciated. I've been down this road for so many years. I try to walk but something always falls apart. They have damaged my body to where walking is excruciatingly painful. I do it anyway. I've had to have my groceries delivered the past month because if I can hold things together the minute I push a cart with heavy groceries by back flares up and my legs locks because they've damaged a nerve or they follow me and assault me with their mind weapons. I stayed in this country and exposed their crimes knowing this is the shape they would put me in. They baked me everyday and destroyed my spine and my mind but I refused to leave. My tests results prove all of this is happening. i didn't make my bed but I refused to leave. I was willing to die for other reasons. They love to assault you because they feel they have the power. They try to find ways to make you stay and endure their torture. They are into mind control. I endured it but I have grown spiritually. For that closeness to God I wouldn't trade anything in the world for. It is worth any sacrifice. When we do things for God or for others it comes back to us in bigger ways and he gives us enlightenment and faith. My visions have been better since this started and my strength has increased. They tried to block my receptors and connections to the spirit world and they never did. God speaks to me any time I want. I can be out of my home and he will speak to me directly where their technology isn't. There is such a strong channel of communication between the two of us. If God isn't speaking to my heart and mind I speak to nature. It always has a message to give. They can destroy every part of my body but is always there. God will never forsake me. All in all the journey has been worthwhile and beautiful. God provides for us. When the body grows weary and weak God keeps our soul safe and our visions beautiful elsewhere. They will never possess me. They Are Broken
- Sherry Lee People have this strange notion that things are going to get better. Not here. I am glad things are better in other parts of the world and you are inspired and feeling fulfilled by your work. It's good to know things are being done to protect the church and to honor Christ and protect the innocents and build a better life for many. That gives me beautiful dreams. My heart is enlightened by the beautiful things that are being done to keep humanity going in a positive direction. It's important that we learn from the past. It's inspiring to know wise people can learn from histories mistakes and understand the anti christ and the power of evil. Prayer is the most powerful weapon. When people can see the misery and suffering and senseless crimes being committed and stupidity in the demonically possessed they will appreciate their Godliness and greatness in trusting him and choosing the right path that is rewarding them. They can feel human dignity and be happy they are connected to Christ through their thoughts and deeds and desire to build a better world for others. When they educate others about God and help people to increase their faith and believe in him they are building a stronger world and creating future soldiers of faith that can put on their armor and combat evil for years to come. It's great to know God is working through his chosen ones to keep all of his creation protected and loved. Love is the greatest element and charity, hope, strength and faith keep us enduring hardship generation after generation to keep the world balanced and secure. The environment is contaminated like the soul of man as the beast rises and animals are suffering everywhere. Even mother nature is thrown off balance. The change in weather is showing us that God is very much in control. I offer any suffering up to God. He keeps me smiling and fulfilled knowing his promise is something I can rely on when the world falls apart and people lose their way and their sanity driven to the flame. Evil begets evil. I'm glad things are improving in some parts of the world. God rewards the faithful
- Sherry Lee I hope you are feeling invigorated and enjoying a productive day. You always bring me enlightenment and great happiness. Thanks for listening and always caring and understanding the real situation that most people can't grasp. I appreciate your insight. I have noticed God gives his followers supreme intelligence to serve
- Sherry Lee That man who posts at my page under the name Tarek Downy junior said christ is dead. Another person posts simular things at myspace named Lord Ethan Dominion and pictures of himself in a black rob, illuminati symbols. He said christ was going to be murdered by spear. They both think satanists have outsmarted christ are defeated by their minds. They are warped. The devil can manipulate and buy the world but not souls. The bible says the devil is a liar. He is gaining power through fantasy and illusion. I put all of this in my stories in the past they lifted. The way to change society and mislead people is through lies, materialism, technology and illusion. They are trying to create an illusionary world. They want others to believe that fantasy is real so they accept Satan. These people believe their evil and wisdom can rule the world because it is superior to Christ. These people were described in the bible. Christ always wins. He created them
- Sherry Lee The bible says Christ tests us. He is testing these evil people. It says christ tests us all
- Sherry Lee I don't believe Christ is testing me. I believe he is allowing suffering to make me see him more clearly. He shows himself in many ways. He is impossible to defeat
- Sherry Lee Lionsgate is very bad about putting these films out. You can't contain evil. You can only refuse to give it power through serving or spreading it's nonsense. Satan only grows powerful through man. Man destroys man. It doesn't hurt God. Satanists think the material world can hurt God.They are weak physically and deal in flesh. Their minds cannot see the power of God. They can delve into ghosts. They conduct experiments. They crave energy. They can't touch the soul. They try hard. The greatest way satan feels to possess gods children today and control is through the mind He thinks by inhabiting the mind he makes the body comply and deceive the christian into believing there is no god or turning their thoughts from him. God sees all. God knows all. He knows where the soul is and it is protected and he will reclaim it when he is ready. He knows the victims. He knows we are born into a world of ignorance and sin. God knows all because he created everything and gave man a free will to chose. Satan rebelled and thinks he found a way to possess man. he has always been scheming. He hasn't invented a way to overpower man he has only figured a way to make man rebel and seek him and follow his path. That was written in the bible. The latest movies that are being done through this evil cult are created to lure people away from christ and invade the mind. Satan wants to desensitize society. All their crimes have done is make man weak. They mistake science for power when all this modern world has done is make man weak. Having no conscience only leads man to commit crimes against himself and hurt his neighbor and suffer in sin. Do the people that are doing this look happy? The majority are mad or drugged. They have lost themselves and sold their soul and don't know the meaning of their pain. They can't understand the reason they are so terrified, angry, driven, frightened. Hatred spreads. They can't find peace. I have been in the light and there is enlightenment. Once you have seen the light you can never see the world again. It's all there. Satan will never touch us
- Sherry Lee They get into our mind but they can't inhabit my spiritual world. They'll never get into our soul. I wrote about satan and my visions. They used the stories. They are trying to deceive man through alien stories and rewriting history. in one of my stories the satanists tried to destroy the bible. They used that idea in 'The Book Of Eil'. My visions come from some place much higher than here. Simon Marsden said I could cross over. All people can do is use them for entertainment. If you have a message to give or knowledge to share they make it cheap. This has shown me mans frailty and the nature of the beast manifesting itself in the body of man. I have learned to keep quite. They'll never use me. Man doesn't win. I'll wait and see these things in the afterlife22 minutes ago · Edited · Like
- Sherry Lee They don't need to see these visions. God forbids them
by Sherry Bretz (c)copyright 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
I was in Hawaii on 9/11 attending a writer’s conference. I couldn’t watch the footage it was so gruesome. I didn’t understand why the media kept replaying the event over and over and requesting money for various charities. After so many 9/11 repeats I started to question if they were playing on the sympathy of the world? I questioned if they were trying to appeal to the dark side in man and enjoyed suffering and keeping people terrorized and on alert. It didn’t make any sense. Everyone was shocked it happened! We’ve always had a false sense of security thinking America was invincible. We never thought America was vulnerable.
On 9/11 all flights from Maui to the mainland were grounded and I was stuck in Hawaii and couldn’t leave the island. I remember sitting on the beach outside the hotel star gazing and casting dreams when I was approached by a NASA scientist . He said I looked lonesome and sad and asked if he could join me. I explained that my mother had died. He said his mother had recently died too and wanted me to go to the giant telescope NASA had rented him to conduct ozone research. I refused to go. He invited me to lunch the following day in the hotel restaurant where were both staying. Since we were stranded and I didn’t know a soul on the island I agreed to join him for lunch. He seemed like he would be interesting to talk too since he knew so much about space and current affairs. I quickly discovered he had a photogenic memory. We discussed politics. During our discussion he mentioned how his ambassador friends believed President Bush knew about the planned terrorist attack ahead of time but refused to do anything about it. He said they’d lost respect for America because they despised Bush and he advised me to sell my stock because he felt we were heading for a recession. He asked me take a car trip to Hana. I made it half way and got car sick and had to return. Along the way he stopped to take pictures of me rather than scenery. I kept asking to take his photo but he refused. He promised to send me copies for a souvenir but he never did. The second day we went to a different part of the island for seafood. He told me scientists had determined what caused cancer in meat products. I wondered why it hadn’t made the mainstream news. I urged him to release the informationd. After I got home I shared his information. I questioned 9/11. Nothing made any sense to me and I wanted to pieces to fit together neatly. I have discovered that nothing makes sense anymore when it comes to politics. I wondered if Upendra had been right. I posted at message sites and phoned the white house hotline questioning 9/11. I offered advice and sent snail mail. I questioned why the borders weren’t being closed and none was taking extra precaution to prevent future attacks. I couldn’t understand why it took them ages to protect the country? I questioned their delay and reasoning for accepting foreigners into the country without a thorough investigation. I sent a list of the various ways terrorists could take down America. Strangely enough many of the things on my list have happened the past two years. I warned the white house in an email and by phone about outsiders blending into communities and creating secret armies and contaminating food. I also mentioned explosives, wildfires, staged accidents and vandalism. I feared if they didn’t close the borders real terrorists would send in more and start so many fires none could put them out. I explained how there weren’t enough policemen and firemen to handle a major event in every city because emergency crews are often short staffed in various states and haven’t the equipment. I encouraged our government to unite the country and get American volunteers to create private armies to watch the community and strengthen our security. I posted information at Simon Schuester Stephen king site, Random house and the various publishing site message boards asking peoples input. I was puzzled and concerned because it didn’t seem like people were taking drastic action to prevent an attack. I am too outspoken. It has gotten me into trouble. I questioned why our government was willing to risk the life of soldiers and spend millions of dollars looking for a sickly man abroad who looked to be dying of kidney failure rather than strengthen our defense. It made no sense? I knew they had satellites to find objects on the moon and missing children if they really wanted to find Bin Ladin. I kept questioning why we were focused on one man. After nothing happened I couldn’t understand why there hadn’t been more terrorist’s attacks and why al Quaida hadn’t shown themselves if they were so deadly. I felt real terrorists would’ve kept going. After taking a cruise with John Saul, Michael Sack, Terry Brooks and the Maui writers to panama I noticed my work appearing in various film and books done by the dark group of writers. I asked them how they got the material. I remember being threatened by phone and at the Stephen King site shortly after I grew suspicious. I was told they had only pretended to be my friends to steal stories. An anonymous caller told me on the phone that if I had evidence to prove a crime and I won, I’d still lose because I’d have no future or I’d be dead. I wouldn’t back down. I persisted to get the facts. After they told me they were drawn to me for my innocence and they were seeking other young people to build their empire and gain wealth globally I couldn’t back down. I couldn’t sleep fearing for the next guy. I felt helpless kids would fall prey to their evil and mind control. I started being stalked terrorized and contacted by strangers around the country. They told me anything I ever did would be theirs and they would even break in to take it. They were right. They broke in numerous times. A director imed me afterwards. He wanted tell me they were interested in me. He said, I know why they watch you. I didn’t know and asked what he meant. He said ‘the Watchers’. I told him I didn’t believe him. Anonymous people tell me where I park my car on line. They tell me what I say inside my own home in bed and what I say over the phone. I have been monitored, recorded, degraded, humiliated ever since. They steal people’s virtue. They tell me they’ve placed hidden cameras both inside and outside of my home and have photos at porn sites. They’ve been dissecting me for a long time. They tried playing on my fear to see if I had any weakness and turn my weakness against me by combining my overactive imagination to create stories. They have even told me at the Stephen king site to put on my tinfoil hat. One of the posters used the horrors writers name and told me he was slowly giving me a lobotomy from space. I wasn’t the type to keep quiet about shadow bullies. My conscience wouldn’t let me. I hired lowe law for advice after forensic detective Mark Alcock proved my script had been stolen from my computer and appeared in of George Clooney/ Sodberbergh film ‘The Godsend’ among other places. Mark cloned my computer drives to prove terroristic threatening, plagiarism and stalking. I went to the police and FBI. I practically harassed the FBI but didn’t get any results. I went to the FBI in a different city and various detective agencies and kept phoning the police. I felt the hacking and terroristic threats were a form of terrorism that our government should know about. None seemed to care. I wrote the arch diocese in various states and spoke with the clergy, media departments and universities warning them of their plan to steal from people around the globe, hacking universities and corporate empires. I feared they were preying on students and hacking universities. Atheist, thieving predators were controlling my computers trying to destroy Christianity and tainting the mind of the young. I thought someone would want to know. Nobody cared about anything. I knew they would gain worldly wealth by hacking people’s computers without leaving a trace and conquer!! Everything was untraceable. Luckily mark was good enough to piece all of my hard drives back together because they weren’t as clever as they thought. Even when I presented the evidence to prove theft, terroristic threatening, hacking and numerous others crimes I was tortured. They recruit young members into their arena through film, books and highly skilled people trained in psychology and crime none protects the young, stops these crimes and corrects the damage. None in law enforcement will take these matter seriously or help in anyway. I guess it’s the nature of the beast. Show how corrupt and destructive our society has become. They still stalk and phone and invade my mind. Now they are using spine crushing energy weapons on body and slowly cooking me in my home at night. They send me Nazi symbols of men wearing skull shirts and sites with devils and fairies on line. There is no solution. No outlet. No defense. I see my temples pulsate at night in front of the mirror and my head burn and I sometimes become too dizzy to walk. they have given me a slow lobotomy. They have destroyed me slowly. I became desensitized, emotionless, hard and angry. I am detached now They destroyed my bubbly personality and zest. I used to be out going. They tell me they’ve destroying my goodness. I used to think they were crazy telling me that stuff. They said they looked at my current photos to see if their magic tingles were effective. They claimed they were destroying my life force like vampires and extracting my soul’s essence and feeding off of me. They said they were making me dark and letting the demons possess me. They said they had stolen my sweetness. (The horror writer) I asked why they chose me. They said I was beauty and innocence too powerful to resist. I ignored them, avoided stalkers and fought back. I phoned a shrink every week for more than a year to try to counteract the effect and prevent depression. They have continued to battle for my mind daily. Starting out I was clueless, unprepared. I couldn’t understand why I was being continually degraded. These are imposters and researchers on line. They eventually told me they tried to lead me to the edge of a cliff to slowly push me over. I gave my evidence to the police in hopes of exposing them. They told me on more than one occasion to kill myself.
I was harassed by a group that seemed like the type that tried to drive Paris Jackson overboard. I warned her. I somehow knew this group would lead innocent teens to suicide, crime, drugs and other crimes. They are stealing innocence. These monsters are looking for talent and luring people to the dark side. They are recruiting new members and probably conducting experiments. They put my suffering and dialogue in their movies. They even said they enjoyed terrorizing and upsetting me daily to build more convincing story characters. The horror writer and his husband both worked at a mental hospital. They have CIA looking symbols on their desk. Their friend who accompanied us on a cruise wrote a star wars trilogy. All of these people have worked with Sony, warner brothers, written kiddy type horror books and horror fantasy horror games that lure children to them. The victims in their books are children and mental patients. Mentally ill patients and vulnerable children make helpless targets. They explained they profit off the meek and young through pain and suffering.
They said my predictability was my downfall. They’ve explained how Christians are predictable and make easy stepping stones. They want to bring out the dark side in me. They continually torture and stalk me to try to make me evil. They tell me they are going to break me. All the time they’ve been messing with my head I’ve resisted. They must have wanted me to freak out and develop multiple personalities and lose my identity. They try to make me paranoid. They tried to make me crazy but I never lost touch with reality and my true self. They said I was the first. I have divine faith. I have always had a great connection to God. After years of terror, threats and degradation I must’ve made them feel threatened through the knowledge I acquired from their abuse. They can’t make me afraid. I am not hungry or angry. They are hungry for talent and control. They pick your brain to devour you. I hired numerous detectives, saved a mountain of evidence and spent a ton of money to try to defend myself all for the love of writing. I hired people to save evidence and save my life. These people could be exposed for their secret deadly operation. The film companies that engage in morbid crimes and mind invasion through private soldiers. I discovered on New year’s eve Upendra Singh has invented a space laser. Strange the horror writer has photos of himself taken at NASA and a cia looking star on his desk. I didn’t see a photo of George Clooney sitting in the oval office with president Obama until after I had cloned hard drive evidence to prove his company had used my work was stolen. I knew my goose was cooked. I think I stumbled upon a very dark group that has been around for years. When I saw George sitting with Obama I lost all faith in justice and people in the entertainment business. I think America has gone Hollywood. I don’t even know if Obama knows. There are vey dark minds getting by with murder these days and running their own empires. They can watch Syria by satellite, build their own crime family. The satanic symbols are everywhere. I think many people are victims of mind control and don’t even know it. They’ve had fun destroying my head. I think the majority of these people are Satanists. They enjoy putting people in their films and terrorizing and torturing them and recording their crimes like Hitler did. They like using devil symbols and feeding their mind and inventing new twisted games and weapons to keep people helpless and played and confused feeling while feeling in control and powerful like the cats they put in their work. They really have a hunt club. They create characters in our likeness, steal our hopes and dreams and say it’s ok. I am too honest to do that. I will never be like them
Sherry Bretz
On 9/11 all flights from Maui to the mainland were grounded and I was stuck in Hawaii and couldn’t leave the island. I remember sitting on the beach outside the hotel star gazing and casting dreams when I was approached by a NASA scientist . He said I looked lonesome and sad and asked if he could join me. I explained that my mother had died. He said his mother had recently died too and wanted me to go to the giant telescope NASA had rented him to conduct ozone research. I refused to go. He invited me to lunch the following day in the hotel restaurant where were both staying. Since we were stranded and I didn’t know a soul on the island I agreed to join him for lunch. He seemed like he would be interesting to talk too since he knew so much about space and current affairs. I quickly discovered he had a photogenic memory. We discussed politics. During our discussion he mentioned how his ambassador friends believed President Bush knew about the planned terrorist attack ahead of time but refused to do anything about it. He said they’d lost respect for America because they despised Bush and he advised me to sell my stock because he felt we were heading for a recession. He asked me take a car trip to Hana. I made it half way and got car sick and had to return. Along the way he stopped to take pictures of me rather than scenery. I kept asking to take his photo but he refused. He promised to send me copies for a souvenir but he never did. The second day we went to a different part of the island for seafood. He told me scientists had determined what caused cancer in meat products. I wondered why it hadn’t made the mainstream news. I urged him to release the informationd. After I got home I shared his information. I questioned 9/11. Nothing made any sense to me and I wanted to pieces to fit together neatly. I have discovered that nothing makes sense anymore when it comes to politics. I wondered if Upendra had been right. I posted at message sites and phoned the white house hotline questioning 9/11. I offered advice and sent snail mail. I questioned why the borders weren’t being closed and none was taking extra precaution to prevent future attacks. I couldn’t understand why it took them ages to protect the country? I questioned their delay and reasoning for accepting foreigners into the country without a thorough investigation. I sent a list of the various ways terrorists could take down America. Strangely enough many of the things on my list have happened the past two years. I warned the white house in an email and by phone about outsiders blending into communities and creating secret armies and contaminating food. I also mentioned explosives, wildfires, staged accidents and vandalism. I feared if they didn’t close the borders real terrorists would send in more and start so many fires none could put them out. I explained how there weren’t enough policemen and firemen to handle a major event in every city because emergency crews are often short staffed in various states and haven’t the equipment. I encouraged our government to unite the country and get American volunteers to create private armies to watch the community and strengthen our security. I posted information at Simon Schuester Stephen king site, Random house and the various publishing site message boards asking peoples input. I was puzzled and concerned because it didn’t seem like people were taking drastic action to prevent an attack. I am too outspoken. It has gotten me into trouble. I questioned why our government was willing to risk the life of soldiers and spend millions of dollars looking for a sickly man abroad who looked to be dying of kidney failure rather than strengthen our defense. It made no sense? I knew they had satellites to find objects on the moon and missing children if they really wanted to find Bin Ladin. I kept questioning why we were focused on one man. After nothing happened I couldn’t understand why there hadn’t been more terrorist’s attacks and why al Quaida hadn’t shown themselves if they were so deadly. I felt real terrorists would’ve kept going. After taking a cruise with John Saul, Michael Sack, Terry Brooks and the Maui writers to panama I noticed my work appearing in various film and books done by the dark group of writers. I asked them how they got the material. I remember being threatened by phone and at the Stephen King site shortly after I grew suspicious. I was told they had only pretended to be my friends to steal stories. An anonymous caller told me on the phone that if I had evidence to prove a crime and I won, I’d still lose because I’d have no future or I’d be dead. I wouldn’t back down. I persisted to get the facts. After they told me they were drawn to me for my innocence and they were seeking other young people to build their empire and gain wealth globally I couldn’t back down. I couldn’t sleep fearing for the next guy. I felt helpless kids would fall prey to their evil and mind control. I started being stalked terrorized and contacted by strangers around the country. They told me anything I ever did would be theirs and they would even break in to take it. They were right. They broke in numerous times. A director imed me afterwards. He wanted tell me they were interested in me. He said, I know why they watch you. I didn’t know and asked what he meant. He said ‘the Watchers’. I told him I didn’t believe him. Anonymous people tell me where I park my car on line. They tell me what I say inside my own home in bed and what I say over the phone. I have been monitored, recorded, degraded, humiliated ever since. They steal people’s virtue. They tell me they’ve placed hidden cameras both inside and outside of my home and have photos at porn sites. They’ve been dissecting me for a long time. They tried playing on my fear to see if I had any weakness and turn my weakness against me by combining my overactive imagination to create stories. They have even told me at the Stephen king site to put on my tinfoil hat. One of the posters used the horrors writers name and told me he was slowly giving me a lobotomy from space. I wasn’t the type to keep quiet about shadow bullies. My conscience wouldn’t let me. I hired lowe law for advice after forensic detective Mark Alcock proved my script had been stolen from my computer and appeared in of George Clooney/ Sodberbergh film ‘The Godsend’ among other places. Mark cloned my computer drives to prove terroristic threatening, plagiarism and stalking. I went to the police and FBI. I practically harassed the FBI but didn’t get any results. I went to the FBI in a different city and various detective agencies and kept phoning the police. I felt the hacking and terroristic threats were a form of terrorism that our government should know about. None seemed to care. I wrote the arch diocese in various states and spoke with the clergy, media departments and universities warning them of their plan to steal from people around the globe, hacking universities and corporate empires. I feared they were preying on students and hacking universities. Atheist, thieving predators were controlling my computers trying to destroy Christianity and tainting the mind of the young. I thought someone would want to know. Nobody cared about anything. I knew they would gain worldly wealth by hacking people’s computers without leaving a trace and conquer!! Everything was untraceable. Luckily mark was good enough to piece all of my hard drives back together because they weren’t as clever as they thought. Even when I presented the evidence to prove theft, terroristic threatening, hacking and numerous others crimes I was tortured. They recruit young members into their arena through film, books and highly skilled people trained in psychology and crime none protects the young, stops these crimes and corrects the damage. None in law enforcement will take these matter seriously or help in anyway. I guess it’s the nature of the beast. Show how corrupt and destructive our society has become. They still stalk and phone and invade my mind. Now they are using spine crushing energy weapons on body and slowly cooking me in my home at night. They send me Nazi symbols of men wearing skull shirts and sites with devils and fairies on line. There is no solution. No outlet. No defense. I see my temples pulsate at night in front of the mirror and my head burn and I sometimes become too dizzy to walk. they have given me a slow lobotomy. They have destroyed me slowly. I became desensitized, emotionless, hard and angry. I am detached now They destroyed my bubbly personality and zest. I used to be out going. They tell me they’ve destroying my goodness. I used to think they were crazy telling me that stuff. They said they looked at my current photos to see if their magic tingles were effective. They claimed they were destroying my life force like vampires and extracting my soul’s essence and feeding off of me. They said they were making me dark and letting the demons possess me. They said they had stolen my sweetness. (The horror writer) I asked why they chose me. They said I was beauty and innocence too powerful to resist. I ignored them, avoided stalkers and fought back. I phoned a shrink every week for more than a year to try to counteract the effect and prevent depression. They have continued to battle for my mind daily. Starting out I was clueless, unprepared. I couldn’t understand why I was being continually degraded. These are imposters and researchers on line. They eventually told me they tried to lead me to the edge of a cliff to slowly push me over. I gave my evidence to the police in hopes of exposing them. They told me on more than one occasion to kill myself.
I was harassed by a group that seemed like the type that tried to drive Paris Jackson overboard. I warned her. I somehow knew this group would lead innocent teens to suicide, crime, drugs and other crimes. They are stealing innocence. These monsters are looking for talent and luring people to the dark side. They are recruiting new members and probably conducting experiments. They put my suffering and dialogue in their movies. They even said they enjoyed terrorizing and upsetting me daily to build more convincing story characters. The horror writer and his husband both worked at a mental hospital. They have CIA looking symbols on their desk. Their friend who accompanied us on a cruise wrote a star wars trilogy. All of these people have worked with Sony, warner brothers, written kiddy type horror books and horror fantasy horror games that lure children to them. The victims in their books are children and mental patients. Mentally ill patients and vulnerable children make helpless targets. They explained they profit off the meek and young through pain and suffering.
They said my predictability was my downfall. They’ve explained how Christians are predictable and make easy stepping stones. They want to bring out the dark side in me. They continually torture and stalk me to try to make me evil. They tell me they are going to break me. All the time they’ve been messing with my head I’ve resisted. They must have wanted me to freak out and develop multiple personalities and lose my identity. They try to make me paranoid. They tried to make me crazy but I never lost touch with reality and my true self. They said I was the first. I have divine faith. I have always had a great connection to God. After years of terror, threats and degradation I must’ve made them feel threatened through the knowledge I acquired from their abuse. They can’t make me afraid. I am not hungry or angry. They are hungry for talent and control. They pick your brain to devour you. I hired numerous detectives, saved a mountain of evidence and spent a ton of money to try to defend myself all for the love of writing. I hired people to save evidence and save my life. These people could be exposed for their secret deadly operation. The film companies that engage in morbid crimes and mind invasion through private soldiers. I discovered on New year’s eve Upendra Singh has invented a space laser. Strange the horror writer has photos of himself taken at NASA and a cia looking star on his desk. I didn’t see a photo of George Clooney sitting in the oval office with president Obama until after I had cloned hard drive evidence to prove his company had used my work was stolen. I knew my goose was cooked. I think I stumbled upon a very dark group that has been around for years. When I saw George sitting with Obama I lost all faith in justice and people in the entertainment business. I think America has gone Hollywood. I don’t even know if Obama knows. There are vey dark minds getting by with murder these days and running their own empires. They can watch Syria by satellite, build their own crime family. The satanic symbols are everywhere. I think many people are victims of mind control and don’t even know it. They’ve had fun destroying my head. I think the majority of these people are Satanists. They enjoy putting people in their films and terrorizing and torturing them and recording their crimes like Hitler did. They like using devil symbols and feeding their mind and inventing new twisted games and weapons to keep people helpless and played and confused feeling while feeling in control and powerful like the cats they put in their work. They really have a hunt club. They create characters in our likeness, steal our hopes and dreams and say it’s ok. I am too honest to do that. I will never be like them
Sherry Bretz
Thursday, April 17, 2014
My Story-I was
in Hawaii on 9/11 attending a writer’s conference. I couldn’t watch the footage
it was so gruesome. I didn’t understand why the media kept replaying the event
over and over and requesting money for various charities. After so many 9/11
repeats I started to question if they were playing on the sympathy of the
world? I questioned if they were trying to appeal to the dark side in man and
enjoyed suffering and keeping people terrorized and on alert. It didn’t make
any sense. Everyone was shocked it happened! We’ve always had a false sense of
security thinking America was invincible. We never thought America was
On 9/11
all flights from Maui to the mainland were grounded and I was stuck in Hawaii
and couldn’t leave the island. I remember sitting on the beach outside the
hotel star gazing and casting dreams when I was approached by a NASA scientist
named upendra Singh. He said I looked lonesome and sad and asked if he could
join me. I explained that my mother had died. He said his mother had recently
died too and wanted me to go to the giant telescope NASA had rented him to
conduct ozone research. I refused to go. He invited me to lunch the following
day in the hotel restaurant where were both staying. Since we were stranded and
I didn’t know a soul on the island I agreed to join him for lunch. He seemed
like he would be interesting to talk too since he knew so much about space and
current affairs. I quickly discovered he had a photogenic memory. We discussed
politics. During our discussion he mentioned how his ambassador friends
believed President Bush knew about the planned terrorist attack ahead of time
but refused to do anything about it. He said they’d lost respect for America
because they despised Bush and he advised me to sell my stock because he felt
we were heading for a recession. He asked me take a car trip to Hana. I made it
half way and got car sick and had to return. Along the way he stopped to take
pictures of me rather than scenery. I kept asking to take his photo but he
refused. He promised to send me copies for a souvenir but he never did. The
second day we went to a different part of the island for seafood. He told
me scientists had determined what caused cancer in meat products. I wondered
why it hadn’t made the mainstream news. I urged him to release the
informationd. After I got home I shared his information. I questioned 9/11.
Nothing made any sense to me and I wanted to pieces to fit together neatly. I
have discovered that nothing makes sense anymore when it comes to politics.
I wondered if Upendra had been right. I posted at message sites and
phoned the white house hotline questioning 9/11. I offered advice and sent
snail mail. I questioned why the borders weren’t being closed and none was
taking extra precaution to prevent future attacks. I couldn’t understand why it
took them ages to protect the country? I questioned their delay and reasoning
for accepting foreigners into the country without a thorough investigation. I
sent a list of the various ways terrorists could take down America. Strangely
enough many of the things on my list have happened the past two years. I warned
the white house in an email and by phone about outsiders blending into
communities and creating secret armies and contaminating food. I also mentioned
explosives, wildfires, staged accidents and vandalism. I feared if they didn’t
close the borders real terrorists would send in more and start so many fires
none could put them out. I explained how there weren’t enough policemen and
firemen to handle a major event in every city because emergency crews are often
short staffed in various states and haven’t the equipment. I encouraged our
government to unite the country and get American volunteers to create private
armies to watch the community and strengthen our security. I posted information
at Simon Schuester Stephen king site, Random house and the various publishing
site message boards asking peoples input. I was puzzled and concerned because
it didn’t seem like people were taking drastic action to prevent an attack. I
am too outspoken. It has gotten me into trouble. I questioned why our
government was willing to risk the life of soldiers and spend millions of
dollars looking for a sickly man abroad who looked to be dying of kidney
failure rather than strengthen our defense. It made no sense? I knew they had
satellites to find objects on the moon and missing children if they really
wanted to find Bin Ladin. I kept questioning why we were focused on one man.
After nothing happened I couldn’t understand why there hadn’t been more
terrorist’s attacks and why al Quaida hadn’t shown themselves if they were so
deadly. I felt real terrorists would’ve kept going. After taking a cruise with
John Saul, Michael Sack, Terry Brooks and the Maui writers to panama I noticed
my work appearing in various film and books done by the dark group of writers.
I asked them how they got the material. I remember being threatened by phone
and at the Stephen King site shortly after I grew suspicious. I was told they
had only pretended to be my friends to steal stories. An anonymous caller told
me on the phone that if I had evidence to prove a crime and I won, I’d still
lose because I’d have no future or I’d be dead. I wouldn’t back down. I
persisted to get the facts. After they told me they were drawn to me for my
innocence and they were seeking other young people to build their empire and
gain wealth globally I couldn’t back down. I couldn’t sleep fearing for the
next guy. I felt helpless kids would fall prey to their evil and mind control.
I started being stalked terrorized and contacted by strangers around the country. They told me
anything I ever did would be theirs and they would even break in to take it.
They were right. They broke in numerous times. A director imed me afterwards.
He wanted tell me they were interested in me. He said, I know why they watch
you. I didn’t know and asked what he meant. He said ‘the Watchers’. I
told him I didn’t believe him. Anonymous people tell me where I park my
car on line. They tell me what I say inside my own home in bed and what I say
over the phone. I have been monitored, recorded, degraded, humiliated ever
since. They steal people’s virtue. They tell me they’ve placed hidden cameras
both inside and outside of my home and have photos at porn sites. They’ve been
dissecting me for a long time. They tried playing on my fear to see if I had
any weakness and turn my weakness against me by combining my overactive
imagination to create stories. They have even told me at the Stephen king site
to put on my tinfoil hat. One of the posters used the horrors writers name and
told me he was slowly giving me a lobotomy from space. I wasn’t the type to
keep quiet about shadow bullies. My conscience wouldn’t let me. I hired lowe
law for advice after forensic detective Mark Alcock proved my script had been
stolen from my computer and appeared in of George Clooney/ Sodberbergh film
‘The Godsend’ among other places. Mark cloned my computer drives to prove
terroristic threatening, plagiarism and stalking. I went to the police and FBI.
I practically harassed the FBI but didn’t get any results. I went to the FBI in
a different city and various detective agencies and kept phoning the police. I
felt the hacking and terroristic threats were a form of terrorism that our
government should know about. None seemed to care. I wrote the arch diocese in
various states and spoke with the clergy, media departments and universities
warning them of their plan to steal from people around the globe, hacking
universities and corporate empires. I feared they were preying on students and hacking
universities. Atheist, thieving predators were controlling my computers
trying to destroy Christianity and tainting the mind of the young. I thought
someone would want to know. Nobody cared about anything. I knew they
would gain worldly wealth by hacking people’s computers without leaving a trace
and conquer!! Everything was untraceable. Luckily mark was good enough to piece
all of my hard drives back together because they weren’t as clever as they thought.
Even when I presented the evidence to prove theft, terroristic
threatening, hacking and numerous others crimes I was tortured. They recruit
young members into their arena through film, books and highly skilled people
trained in psychology and crime none protects the young, stops these crimes and
corrects the damage. None in law enforcement will take these matter seriously
or help in anyway. I guess it’s the nature of the beast. Show how corrupt and
destructive our society has become. They still stalk and phone and invade my
mind. Now they are using spine crushing energy weapons on body and slowly
cooking me in my home at night. They send me Nazi symbols of men wearing skull
shirts and sites with devils and fairies on line. There is no solution.
No outlet. No defense. I see my temples pulsate at night in front of the mirror
and my head burn and I sometimes become too dizzy to walk. they have given me a
slow lobotomy. They have destroyed me slowly. I became desensitized,
emotionless, hard and angry. I am detached now They destroyed my bubbly
personality and zest. I used to be out going. They tell me they’ve destroying
my goodness. I used to think they were crazy telling me that stuff. They said
they looked at my current photos to see if their magic tingles were effective.
They claimed they were destroying my life force like vampires and extracting my
soul’s essence and feeding off of me. They said they were making me dark and
letting the demons possess me. They said they had stolen my sweetness. (The horror
writer) I asked why they chose me. They said I was beauty and innocence too
powerful to resist. I ignored them, avoided stalkers and fought back. I phoned
a shrink every week for more than a year to try to counteract the effect and
prevent depression. They have continued to battle for my mind daily.
Starting out I was clueless, unprepared. I couldn’t understand why I was
being continually degraded. These are imposters and researchers on line.
They eventually told me they tried to lead me to the edge of a cliff to slowly
push me over. I gave my evidence to the police in hopes of exposing them. They
told me on more than one occasion to kill myself.
I was
harassed by a group that seemed like the type that tried to drive Paris Jackson
overboard. I warned her. I somehow knew this group would lead innocent teens to
suicide, crime, drugs and other crimes. They are stealing innocence. These
monsters are looking for talent and luring people to the dark side. They are
recruiting new members and probably conducting experiments. They put my
suffering and dialogue in their movies. They even said they enjoyed terrorizing
and upsetting me daily to build more convincing story characters. The horror
writer and his husband both worked at a mental hospital. They have CIA looking
symbols on their desk. Their friend who accompanied us on a cruise wrote a star
wars trilogy. All of these people have worked with Sony, warner brothers,
written kiddy type horror books and horror fantasy horror games that lure
children to them. The victims in their books are children and mental patients.
Mentally ill patients and vulnerable children make helpless targets. They
explained they profit off the meek and young through pain and suffering.
said my predictability was my downfall. They’ve explained how Christians are
predictable and make easy stepping stones. They want to bring out the dark side
in me. They continually torture and stalk me to try to make me evil. They tell
me they are going to break me. All the time they’ve been messing with my head
I’ve resisted. They must have wanted me to freak out and develop multiple
personalities and lose my identity. They try to make me paranoid. They tried to
make me crazy but I never lost touch with reality and my true self. They
said I was the first. I have divine faith. I have always had a great connection
to God. After years of terror, threats and degradation I must’ve made them feel
threatened through the knowledge I acquired from their abuse.
They can’t make me afraid. I am not hungry or angry. They are hungry for
talent and control. They pick your brain to devour you. I hired numerous
detectives, saved a mountain of evidence and spent a ton of money to try to
defend myself all for the love of writing. I hired people to save
evidence and save my life. These people could be exposed for their secret
deadly operation. The film companies that engage in morbid crimes and mind
invasion through private soldiers. I discovered on New year’s eve
Upendra Singh has invented a space laser. Strange the horror writer has
photos of himself taken at NASA and a cia looking star on his desk. I didn’t
see a photo of George Clooney sitting in the oval office with president Obama
until after I had cloned hard drive evidence to prove his company had used my work
was stolen. I knew my goose was cooked. I think I stumbled upon a very dark
group that has been around for years. When I saw George sitting with Obama I
lost all faith in justice and people in the entertainment business. I think
America has gone Hollywood. I don’t even know if Obama knows. There are vey
dark minds getting by with murder these days and running their own empires.
They can watch Syria by satellite, build their own crime family. The satanic
symbols are everywhere. I think many people are victims of mind control and
don’t even know it. They’ve had fun destroying my head. I think the majority of
these people are Satanists. They enjoy putting people in their films and
terrorizing and torturing them and recording their crimes like Hitler did. They
like using devil symbols and feeding their mind and inventing new twisted games
and weapons to keep people helpless and played and confused feeling while
feeling in control and powerful like the cats they put in their work. They
really have a hunt club. They create characters in our likeness, steal our
hopes and dreams and say it’s ok. I am too honest to do that. I will
never be like them
copyright protect(c) 2004 Sherry Bretz
The Perfect Nightmare-Dear Rand Paul, I think things are hopeless here. There are too many risks involved in exposing the dangerous criminals running things because they have made connections in Japan, Canada and other parts of the world. I exposed an agent yesterday for his crimes. This man is Jewish and works with John Saul, Terry brooks (Star Wars), Disney and all the major motion picture studios. He did the movie 'Untraceable' after I was victimized after attending the Maui writers conference. The on line antagonist did the things to me he did to Diane lanes character in the movie. Andy Cohen even used the bottom portion of the movie synopsis I pitched to him in Maui. He was the first and only agent I ever showed my work too. I have seen everything I have created appear in films and books without my permission. Many of the speakers from the maul writers conference he I came to know and went on cruises put a strange looking star at their site that looks like the windows eight star and cia symbol. One of the writers had a custom made desk with the same symbol. I've seen these same symbols in the Rio hotel in Vegas and Branson ms and hotels that feature fire in their theme like the latest concerts, mardi gra masks. I believe after a dark cult nabbed my stories from the Maui writers conference and my home computers and took an interest in me they sent terrorist armies to stalk me, break into my home, steal my files. They have destroy ed the health of both me and my husband. They have attempted murder. They tried to run me down one night in my car after they broke in and bashed my black cat. Before this happened a man calling himself lord ethan on myspace and legion told me through a darth vader post that I beat them and would have to die. Not only have they left impaled dead animals in my home and birds with missing heads outside my door they have terrorist groups send me satanic codes and symbols on line and watch me 24 hours a day. They have bugged my home. They have conducted inhumane experiments on me with new age weapons and invaded my mind with weapons that have made me mentally impaired. When I confronted the man using the name Tarekdowny junior at my facebook page yesterday he said he would destroy my brain and today the pressure is unbearable. In the flash submitted the summer before last I believe I included conversations with these dark people. Mark alcock, scotty mcgaha and other detectives have saved conversations in their files with these people and threats that started years ago. I even gave the police my story info before it appeared in their films because I knew they were going to steal it off my computer in an attempt to prove what they were doing and nothing was done. I started speaking to John Saul at the randomhoues blackstone cyber diner in 1998. The nightmare began after he told me at a networking party in Maui that I had talent. Afterwards the watchers came and told me that anything I created would be theirs and after they were done using me I would be murdered like the rest. They said I am just a name in a filing cabinet. I was approached by a nasa scientist following the conference on 9/11 who asked me to go with him to look at the stars through the giant telescope nasa had rented him to conduct space research. He took several pictures of me while I was in maui. I asked him to send me copies but he didn't. John Saul has photos of himself taken at nasa at the giant telescope. He hangs out with terry brooks and andy cohen and cohen pitched his work to george clooney and became sauls agent. Clooney used my work 'The Godsend' without my consent and became sauls after while I was in maui at the conferences. I went on a cruise with John and his husband Michael Sack and Terry Brooks who is affliated with Star Wars program. He wrote a trilogy. I attended six conferences. The blood thirsty stalkers are into terrorism, mind control and many other crimes. I tried to warn the churches when i suspected they wanted to destroy christians. I visited the fbi office in before 2008 with all the hard drive evidence including conversations with these people and threats. I begged people to investigate this group while clooney was on staff at Warner brothers and his brother worked in the legal department. I asked the FBI if Andy Cohen could be dangerous. The FBI agent I spoke with said they saw cause for alarm after the movie 'Untraceable. This whole dark group went to work for Sony after warner brothers all together and jolie and brad pit did many of their films and I watched this dark empire grow through my creations and the help of many famous people. The terrorism started long ago through the film companies, publishing companies, software companies, game industry. The list is long. I have all of this evidence. I have had this evidence since before 2008 and begged the police to investigate. I have spent over 120,000.00 Trying to protect my work by hiring investigators, paying to have my work cloned professionally. I hired sweepers from LA to sweep my home. They brought a professional crew who had a background with the fbi. I hired security companies. I send hard drive copies to the churches before they went after the Vatican and warned of the conspiracy to go after the christians and destroy the churches and none would investigate. Every time I phoned the FBI I was tortured worse. I don't think this this dark satanic army can be stopped now. They have acquired too many weapons, built too many armies around the world that have experience in computer programming and past criminal records. They have networked for all these years and made me suffer through their Nazi weapons and stalkers while they used my ideas and story creations to help build their empire. They felt they'd keep me around to get more stories and product ideas while they terrorized my mind and put my suffering and words in books and movies. They created game characters and movie characters in my likeness they told me. One person sent me a drawing of me andy cohen put on a double box movie set released at Christmas. He said the character wasn't really bullock but me. I had a very fertile mind before they starting invading it and a vivid imagination. They told me to keep quite. They are setting up phony charities and luring kids to the book festivals and unsuspecting folks to conferences like they did me to steal their dreams and stories. Ron Howard and various others are putting screenwriting contests and movie making contests to find new victims and people this dark cult can use for human experiments. Ron was a speaker at the conference too. Notice the adds they create a persons their heads sawed open and their insides out and some villain jumping rope on their insides, dissecting them and turning them into robots for this evil group. You don't know know the half of it. They put their crimes in movies like hostel2, saw and many other horror films. This isn't just horror fiction to them. It's reality and they are seeking new blood to lure into their game. They play with people through cyber world and reality and seduce teens and put their suffering in books and film them. I knew these crimes would happen in this country and abroad before they happened and i went to the police many times to warn them in advance. I investigated them. It didn't stop them. They are terrorists who worked with Japan and Canada before the latest crimes we've seen happening in this country. They told me a long time ago they want everyone to become uncivilized. They told me they are going to have street beheading and people so blood thirsty they will cheer for the killers. They told me this before so many Muslims were beheaded abroad the violent outbreaks occurred here. They told me while the on line antagonist played with my mind on line and terrorist stalkers followed me and recorded my conversations and played them back to me and told me about my daily routine on line and on my cell phone. One of the guys wears a skull shirt and posts himself dressed up like characters from Stephen king books. I would imagine the dome king describes is the evil veil that is above our heads through technology that i would imagine is being used for mind control through satellite or some other means. It wouldn't surprise me if Warner brothers isn't using cable and other means to damage our brains. When I turn my internet and cable off it seems to weaken their signal. i hoped people would put this story out a long time ago but none ever has. the media is keeping the truth buried and the victims and probably the latest mishaps in medicine. The cases of people being forcibly institutionalized people and murders of so many. Even the crime report statics are inaccurate according to the detectives I've spoken with. None will save people because Americans don't know the truth and this army grows through computer hacking, criminal armies they call knights they have made around the world, new age weapons their crimes have bought and deception of the worst kind. They couldn't have bought so many leaders around the world if someone had investigated this dark group and stopped them when I begged law enforcement agencies in my country to do something. Think of all the lost souls and innocent lives someone could have saved if anyone listened to me or cared to help people. People were bought and silenced and threatened. I have given up trying and believing in this country because the criminals are now running the show and nobody gave a damn to step out of their false reality to see the true evil and open their mind to even question for a minute that famous people could be running things and stealing and killing folks and conspiring with terrorists to build an empire for Satan to make themselves fantasy kings and queens. Many of these horror junkies never went to college or had children. They want to destroy decent folks and execute people for kicks through torture and perform human experiments and sacrifice. The Americans are sending their children to them through their games and books and trusting cyber world and letting their children idolize them and become violent and demented and blood thirsty and brainwashed all for Satan. This cult did movies like Dark Knight. The police have instant message conversations with the on line stalker where I am calling the police the white knights. I said to this group started so many fires none could put them all out. They put that in the dark knight. the police didn't help. The fbi and cia wouldn't investigate. i'd say they have won on a physical plain because nobody saw the true evil. A man named brian willis added me to his group. He strangely appeared. he goes by 666 in Beverly hills. He has a company called brockstar. I later discovered he has been accused or ripping off various film companies abroad for millions of dollars. I am stalked by people who worship skulls and put skulls and vampires at site. I thought andy cohen, john saul and all of these people should have been investigated ages ago. I went to the FBI pleading with them to see who their contacts were in Japan and Canada because I suspected them of terrorism. blind trust and ignorance served them.This cult did movies like Dark Knight, Harry Potter. The police have instant message conversations with the on line stalker with me calling the police the white knights. I said to this group they started so many fires none could put them all out. Money laundering is mentioned in Dark Knights. The Nazis never left. Vatican exorcist says the darkest cult is in Canada. Check out lionsgate and see their dark movies. Devil's Rejects. Sherry L Bretz
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